District IX
Garden Clubs of Illinois
Member of The Garden Clubs of Illinois
a Charter Member of
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Located in Northeastern Illinois
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to the GCI - District IX
Digital Home
for the
District Director
Nancy Reese
Vice Director
Gail Kirkham

District IX Blue Star Marker
This marker is a symbol of gratitude to all of the men and women who have served to protect our country. Garden Cubs of Illinois, District IX, is a large area starting at the Wisconsin border going South to I 90, and from Lake Michigan as far West as the McHenry County border. It is truly an honor to have a Blue Star Marker located in downtown Mount Prospect, where 1000's of people will pass it everyday. Typically these markers are located at National Cemeteries, Parks or rest areas along the highways.
While many of our clubs have placed and maintain Blue and Gold Star Markers, this is the first marker that District IX has sponsored.
District IX, Garden Clubs of Illinois would like to thank all of the Mount Prospect Officials who have helped make this happen.