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Pathways for Pollinators


In their 1996 book, The Forgotten Pollinators, Buchmann and Nabhan estimated that animal pollinators are needed for the reproduction of 90% of flowering plants and one third of human food crops. Each of us depends on these industrious pollinators in a practical way to provide us with the wide range of foods we eat. In addition, pollinators are part of the intricate web that supports the biological diversity in natural ecosystems that helps sustain our quality of life.


As gardeners we can help!!  Invite pollinators to your neighborhood. Download the file below for a list of pollinator friendly plants specific to our area.  An app is available for your smart phone as well for an excellent plant reference to arrtract bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, beetles, bats and other polinators to your neighborhood!! Go to

While on the site, check out other useful information!


The next Pollinator Week is
June 19 -25, 2023


© 2024 - District IX - Garden Clubs of Illinois

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